MegaCon Costume Contest Updates!
Since finishing the Snow White Knight, I always felt the leggings were missing a certain something. To fill in the large swath of plain gold, I hand painted filigree vines down the thigh of each legging. In order to make sure the vines didn’t immediately peel off, I used acrylic watered down and mixed with Angelus Satin Finisher. Then, I added some gems for a true Snow White sparkle! The detail really made a big difference.

Back to the MegaCon Costume Contest! This year there was some stiff competition! All the cosplayers looked fantastic, from the youth division all the way up to Masters. Some of my favorites were Rotten Rider Cosplay as Doctor Doom, Lindsay Premo as Alexstrasza, and Studio HexMortis and their crazy Gate Monster! There was also an outstanding Cydaea from Diablo 3 – Leave me a comment if you know this cosplayer!

See you real soon!
FanExpo Canada will be taking place Labor Day weekend, 2018. I am so excited to attend my first convention out of the States. I hope to see you there! Erei mu grind.