After 25 minutes of waiting to park in a backed up, 2-lane, one-way, mash up of cars with no exit, we were finally able to pull a u-turn at a drop off exit and park at the Hyatt Regency public garage instead. They had friendly attendants and the spot was actually even closer than the backed up lot at the convention center which of course is a blessing when you are in furry armor! THANK YOU HYATT REGENCY ORLANDO!
Of course we finally made it inside – got registered – and were ready to check out the costumes! It’ always great to see what people come up with. There is obvious time and effort put in to crafting each piece of a costume – don’t we all know! Seeing it come together and swapping crafting stories is what cosplay is all about. Well, that and some great photos to show it all off!
Overall – had a great – if hectic! – time at MegaCon 2015. I’ll be back next year – and parking at the Hyatt!!