Every cosplayer has made their own custom tape patterns. You know the drill: wrap yourself in cling wrap, layer masking tape on top, sketch your design, and violà! Instant costume pattern. But have you ever wished you didn’t have to wrap yourself up every time you need a pattern? What if you had a stunt double with your exact dimensions? Sounds like you need a cosplay mannequin.
How do I make a cosplay mannequin?
In this tutorial, I’ll go step by step through the process I used to create my inexpensive expanding foam cosplay mannequin. With a few hours of time, some basic materials, and a helping hand, you can cut down time spent making your patterns, and spend more time actually bringing your creations to life. Not to mention this mimics your body shape much closer than a traditional dress form, and for a quarter of the price. Let’s get started!

Tools & Materials Needed:
- Comfortable, form fitting outfit
- Heavy Duty Duct Tape
- Clear Plastic Wrap
- Scissors
- Box Cutter & Spare Blades
- Spray Bottle of Water
- Expanding Foam
- Masking Tape
- Permanent Marker
- Soft Tape Measure
- Rubber Gloves]
Step 1: Recruit a Friend to Help
Step 2: Get Comfy, and Grab Your Plastic Wrap

Step 3: Start Wrapping Your Body with Duct Tape

Step 4: Wrap Your Armpits, Chest, & Neck

Step 5: Mark Your Tape, and Cut Off Your Shell
Grab your sharpie. Beginning at your neck, have your assistant draw a solid line down your arms on both sides. On only one side, continue the line beneath your arm, armpit, and down the full length of your body. See the diagram to the right for where to draw your marks. This is your “cut line,” but we’re not quite ready to cut yet.

Step 6: Tape Your “Shell” Back Together

Step 7: Prep Your Work Area for Expanding Foam
I highly suggesting working on these final steps in a garage or outdoor workspace. Expanding foam does not put off terrible fumes, but it is extremely difficult to get off of skin, furniture, and clothing. So, it’s best to work in an area you feel comfortable “getting dirty.”

Step 8: Apply Expanding Foam: Phase One
Step 9: Apply Expanding Foam: Phase Two
Step 10: Clean Up Your Cosplay Mannequin
Start by assessing the overall shape of your mannequin. Use your soft measuring tape to compare the cosplay mannequin dimensions to your own body. Trim off foam anywhere the dimensions are off, or any locations with large irregularities.

Congratulations! Your Cosplay Mannequin is Complete!