I’m Wishing…
The original “Disney Princess,” Snow White, was the epitome of a perfect woman in 1937 America. She was quiet and innocent, eager to keep house, and very trusting. Definitely not the typical character I like to portray with my cosplay.
So why make the Snow White Knight? I was determined to transform the doe-eyed maiden in to her own Prince Charming. Stoic, imposing, and yet delicate, like a blanket of white snow in winter. She could be strong and handsome, big and tall. There would be no one like her, anywhere at all…
“Magic Mirror, on the wall, who, now, is the fairest one of all?”
– The Evil Queen, to her Magic Mirror
What’s it Made Of?
The armor pieces in this cosplay are constructed from Worbla’s Black Art. Some pieces use the “craft foam sandwich” method, while others are comprised of a doubled sheet of worbla for more flexibility when shaping. All trim, vines, leaves, and apples are also formed using melted down scraps of Worbla’s Black Art.
There are approximately 1,380 red crystals adorning the costume, plus nearly three hundred golden crystals that adorn the leaves and act as reflective “dew drops.” Other accents include golden rivets along the jerkin sleeves, red ribbons on the back of each boot, and painted golden leather straps.
This was my first fully custom designed costume, meaning I didn’t have any solid reference for direct patterning. My goal was to create a High-Fantasy, Game of Thrones style knight armor that truly captured Snow White’s Original look. I did a lot of research on both traditional German Medieval armor, and combined it with samples of armor from fictional sources, such as movies and tv shows. I collected a lot of my samples on Pinterest, and made sketches combining my favorite elements.